/  Law Exams   /  State Level   /  TS LAWCET




1. Overview

The Telangana State Common Entrance Test (TS LAWCET) is an annual state-level entrance examination conducted for admission into the three- and five-year law courses in the state of Telangana.TS LAWCET 2019 will be conducted by Osmania University, Hyderabad, on behalf of the Telangana State Council for Higher Education (TSCHE). It is an online exam with multiple-choice type questions.

(For the LLM courses, the entrance examination is the Telangana State PG Law Common Entrance Test (TG PGLCET))

2. Eligibility & Qualifications

Nationality and Domicile:  The Candidate should be an Indian National and should satisfy Local/ Unreserved Status requirement as laid down in the Telangana Educational Institutions Order 1974 and the amendments made thereto from time to time.

Three-year LLB course:  The candidate should have completed a Graduate Degree or its equivalent with 45% of aggregate marks from any recognized University.

Five-year LLB course:  The candidate should have passed Intermediate Exam with 45% of aggregate marks or its equivalent from any recognized University or the Board of Intermediate Education in Telangana State.

Candidates appearing for their final-year LLB/BL exams are also eligible to apply; however, they must have cleared the exam with the requisite grades at the time of counselling.

The qualifying percentage of marks in the TS LAWCET is 35% (i.e. 42 marks out of total 120 marks). There will be no minimum qualifying marks for SC and ST students for ranking.

3. Exam Pattern and Syllabus

The test consists of three parts. There is a total of 120 objective type questions, with 90 minutes available to answer them in. One mark is awarded for each correct answer. The examination is conducted in both Telugu and English.

Part A: General Knowledge and Mental Ability – 30 Questions

This section will include questions on History, Geography, Amendments, Important Days and Dates, Indian Constitution, Civics, National Insignia, New Appointments, International Deals, and related topics.

Part B: Current Affairs – 30 Questions

Questions from trending topics across the world may be asked, though there will be emphasis on the Indian context.

Part C: Aptitude for the Study of Law – 60 Questions

This section will involve basic questions from areas like the Indian Constitution, Torts, Criminal Law, Contracts, International Law, Polity, Legal Terms and Maxims, and general Legal Awareness.

For the five-year law course, the standard expected is of the Intermediate level and for the three-year law course, the standard expected is of the Degree level.

For the questions in Part-C, Aptitude for the Study of Law, candidates are expected to have elementary knowledge of the basic principles of Law and Constitution of India.

4. How to Apply?

Applications for TS LAWCET are through the online mode only. Online applications will tentatively start in the third week of March. The Application Fee is Rs. 800.

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